We visitted Luleå University of Technology between24th-25th of January 2023.
Luleå University of Technology with their CH2ESS iniative (Centre for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden) had invited BotH2nia to Luleå for 2 day seminar. The program was indeed very interesting both the speaches, the presentations and the work shops.
“Important friendships was created during the travel for building future cooperation regarding both development of Hydrogen education and Hydrogen RDI projects .”
Staff from Luleå University of Technology together with a team from BotH2nia had succesfully planned for a 120 persons visitor group from both Finland and Sweden that participated in the Hydrogen seminar BotH2nia goes Luleå.
Luleå presented itself in a beautiful view with a lot of snow and cold weather outside. Inside we found us warmly welcomed by local experts who invited us and presented us the secrets of Hydrogen with excellent presentations.
The 2 day long seminar was indeed a success. People participated from Finland in the area between Lappeenranta in south of Finland to Rovaniemi in the north of Finland.
People partipated from Sweden in the area between Malmö in south of Sweden to Kiruna in north of Sweden.
Fossile-free steel
With Hybrit project LKAB, SSAB and Vattenfall has proven that it is possible to make fossile-free steel by using Hydrogen. Luleå University of Technology has been involved in the work as well. Luleå University of Technology is also known as the Swedish Hydrogen Development Center.