We participated in Lämpö kiertoon Pohjois-Savossa seminar & webinar on wednesday 10.05.2023. S. Mattbäck from Novia UAS kept a presentation about our sub-project together with EPV Oy and Seinäjoen Energia Oy. S. Satpute from VAMK UAS kept a presentation together with S. Björkman from EPV Oy about the heat storage system taken into operation in Vaskiluoto. Approximately 70 persons attended the combo seminar& webinar of which approximately 20 persons where attending on distance.
For more information about the event and the presentations, please see following link: https://lampokiertoon.fi/lampo-kiertoon-polttoon-perustumattomat-lammontuotannon-hyvat-ratkaisut-seminaari-10-5-2023/