VAMK´s Fesio researcher Mr Ossi Koskinen has written an article " Energy Production Business” . The whole article can be read from here http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe20231215154627 and below is a summary of it.
Koskinens comprehensive article highlights the complex interplay of factors shaping the energy production landscape, emphasizing the critical role of adaptive strategies and technological advancements in meeting future energy demands efficiently and sustainably.
The energy production sector operates with constant variability in both production and consumption, posing challenges for maintaining grid stability and the 50 Hz frequency which must be maintained within narrow tolerances. Accurate forecasts are crucial, supported by extensive data and advanced AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) software. Despite meteorological predictions, intermittent renewables like wind and solar can lead to surplus or deficit situations. To manage this, backups ensure power balance and energy sufficiency. The grid stability task falls primarily on Transmission System Operators (TSOs) like Fingrid in Finland. TSOs oversee the transmission of electricity from producers to consumers, managing the balance between generation and consumption in real-time.
In Finland, Fingrid oversees grid stability with five products for grid frequency maintenance, intervening in day-ahead and intraday energy markets if forecasts fail. Energy production is categorized into large-scale and small-scale operations. Large-scale producers require open delivery contracts to manage their electricity sales effectively, contrasting with small-scale producers who sell through utility companies.
Grid connection for large-scale producers involves agreements with 110 kV powerline owners like Fingrid or regional TSOs, ensuring electricity transmission reliability. Payment is based on measured electricity at connection points, accounting for transmission losses. The Balance Responsibility Party (BRP) manages production estimates and risks, charging fees based on production type uncertainty. BRPs play a crucial role in managing the fluctuations. They are responsible for forecasting both production and consumption accurately. In Finland, there are strict regulations requiring BRPs to ensure that any imbalances between forecasted and actual production are corrected promptly. Failure to do so can result in financial penalties managed by entities like eSett, which handle imbalance settlements.
In cases of production estimate failures, Fingrid manages reserve markets like mFRR (manual Frequency Restoration Reserve) to stabilize grid frequency. Catastrophic consequences, such as blackouts, are mitigated by these measures. Advanced AI and ML tools minimize forecast errors, crucial for avoiding imbalance settlement costs managed by eSett.
The integration of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, presents unique challenges due to their intermittent nature. Unlike conventional power plants, which can adjust output according to demand, renewables depend on weather conditions. This variability can lead to sudden surges or drops in production, necessitating agile response mechanisms.
The energy market operates through various trading platforms, including day-ahead (Spot) and intraday markets (ELBAS). These markets allow producers and consumers to buy and sell electricity based on anticipated demand and supply conditions. Large-scale producers, such as wind farms or solar installations, often participate in these markets to optimize revenue streams. For large-scale producers, securing open delivery contracts is essential. These contracts stipulate the terms under which electricity is delivered to the grid. They ensure that producers have a market for their output and provide financial guarantees to manage operational risks associated with production variability.
In addition to day-ahead and intraday markets, reserve markets play a critical role in grid stability. Products like Frequency Restoration Reserve (FRR) and Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) ensure rapid response capabilities to sudden changes in demand or production. TSOs like Fingrid manage these markets to stabilize grid frequency and prevent disruptions that could lead to blackouts.
Looking ahead, the energy sector faces ongoing challenges and opportunities. The transition towards cleaner energy sources is accelerating, driven by environmental concerns and policy incentives. This shift requires continued investment in grid infrastructure, storage technologies, and smart grid solutions to accommodate higher shares of renewable energy.
Overall, the energy production business operates systematically, with defined roles for players ensuring grid stability and operational reliability. Intermittent production challenges are managed through technological advancements and strategic market interventions.
In conclusion, the energy production business operates at the intersection of technological innovation, market dynamics, and regulatory frameworks. Managing grid stability amidst increasing renewable integration remains a pivotal challenge. By leveraging advanced technologies and fostering market transparency, stakeholders can navigate these complexities and ensure a sustainable energy future.
This summary review was written by principal lecturer Lotta Saarikoski, VAMK`s Fesio project worker.